Monday, 29 June 2015

Lazy Summer

Well summers finally here, ive been away to Puerto De La Cruz in Tenerife, and my writing has taken off again after a rather fallow period following my performance at the Wenlock Poetry Festival

Ive penned about 7 poems and some one page monologues of characters at the hotel, hoping it might turn into a small collection/chapbook

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

April is the cruellest month - Choices to be made

Well its coming up fast, the Wenlock Poetry Festival - Poetry Busk and my five minute shot at performance poetry at 1200 on Saturday 25th April ( Much Wenlock Methodist Church)

Am i ready, in a very short word - No

So its reached this point and a bit of panic with 10 days to go !

I need to decide on my set

Do i go safe, do i take some risks, short poems, long poems

I just dont know !!!!

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

South Wales Writing Break

Took myself off for 3-days in Pembrokeshire, for a bit of a break and 3-days of writing ( or inspiration). Managed to pen about 5 new poems, which all need a bit of work

heres a small Haiku i wrote

St Catherine

Sitting off the beach
St Catherine of the islands
She’s rocking that fort

The good the bad but no ugly

Ive had more work accepted for Stepping Stones Magazine ( USA) 'Demented' and 'Solitary Owl Seeks', which is great

But , i received word on Monday that i hadnt been accepted for the Writing West Midlands Room 204 Development programme, which has dissapointed me, its just what i needed to push my writing on

Ah Well, carry on doing what im doing

Monday, 9 March 2015

More Success on the Writing Front

Had my poem ' Super Mario' accepted for publication by Ink Sweat and Tears

Read my poem 'All that Survives' at the Eat Up poetry night in Shrewsbury

Friday, 20 February 2015

Wenlock Poetry Festival 2015 - Poetry Busk Sat 25th April 12-1pm

Im going to be reading some of my work at the Poetry Busk at the festival in April, cant wait, just need to put together a punchy tight 5 minute set

Published again !

Mudfish 18 has just been published in New York, i have a poem in it called 'Absurd'

Busy getting busy

Ive been really busy since Christmas, ive tried being more professional about writing/ editing/submitting, here are the main bits:

Submitted to Faber & Faber new poets
Sent application to Room 204 development ( writing West Mids)
Sent a short story to BBC Opening Lines
Submitted to Ambit and Ink Sweat and Tears magazines

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Courses and Christmas

Completed a Creative Writing course at the Library ( with Lisa Blower) really enjoyed it and got some great feedback

Christmas came and went, much better than last year, here is the poem penned on Christmas Day 2013

Alternative Xmas

Christmas hangs
Like the North Star,
All heavenly cleanliness
Glittering but unattainable
To single hearts, like mine
Stripped bare, to its essentials
Of consumerism & gluttony
The cheap lights, tinsel
And television
Its offence to loneliness
Its jovial monstrosity
Stalking December
 Decked streets
In drizzle hung carols
Nylon Santa suits
And advent
Induced alcoholism
How much the heart
Aches for the joy
Of January
And normal