Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror
on the wall
am i the fairest
one of all?

I look and look
but cannot see
cos im a vampire
silly me


If people want to be frightening,
the worst monster ever seen,
all they need to do i suppose,
is take off their sodding clothes.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Live ! from Poetry Cafe in Chicago

You can see my poem  performed live here                                                            http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r2FcVFn-C4&feature=youtu.be

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


As days draw themselves
inward, long lines of neatly folded
memories queue,
ready to fill 
pockets in hearts.
Breath undressing winds
caress cold idleness,
on thought provoking trees.
Intense palindromic gales
howl illiterate words
through natures empty sheds.
Spilling awkwardly, between
mountainous seasons
and calm sunshine.
Corridors of rain 
fall incessantly,
coloring summers
Monet masterpiece
in autumnal Dali dreams

This ones popular on Poempigeon 

Published !

One of my first goals achieved , here is the link: